Part 36: 25.A: Not A Knight At All

: This knights one-time commanding officer
imagine, if you will, a Wyrm without the slightest trace of bravery!

: Sir Gilman then recants his tale of Sir Deluges past, and how it is that they wound up together in the Downside.
: Music: Knights Of The Sea

: Some wyrms born under the Sea-Dominions waters sought lifes meaning on dry land. The Commonwealth recognized their chivalrous traditions and soon put them to use.

: Sir Deluge was just another bit of front-line fodder in the war against the Highwing Remnants. Yet, time and again he distinguished himself for one simple reason: He would not die.

: Very impressive for a worm fighting against an army of birds, honestly.

: His unusual instinct for self-preservation kept him safe in many battles, and over time, he was repeatedly promoted for lack of any real competition. Then, in the battle of the Spiral Sanctum, when retreat certainly was not an option, Sir Deluge retreated anyway. This was a breaking point, and he at last was sentenced into exile.

: In the Downside, he sought water, where he made contact with Sir Gilman and other members of his kind. They all saluted him as their superior. The other knights had little choice but to respect his rank. As the Pyrehearts, they conduct the Rites in the name of their great hero, the Underking Ores, while adhering to their strict code.

: This knight might not have failed quite so miserably at the battle of the Spiral Sanctum had his entire regiment not turned in disarray after Sir Deluge fled. Perhaps by confronting his former commander, this knights own honor may be re-gained in part
for now, however, this knight must beg your leave.

: You say good-night to Sir Gilman, in turn. There is no time to make flight preparations now, though in the morning you will press on once again.

: Real talk, Sir Deluges whole situation actually sounds kind of funny. He had the misfortune of being born as part of a race that values honour, courage, and chivalry above all else, and he has the (surprisingly uncommon) sense to prefer to want to live. Because of that, he rose in rank compared to everyone else not due to his deeds, but strictly due to his seniority. You can only imagine the look on Gilmans face when he met Deluge again in the Downside.

: Anyhow, lets take a look into the blackwagon and see who wants a word.

: Freds in a good mood. I guess I would be too, after a match as close as the one we just had and he has a strong argument for being the MVP, what with Final Kindling saving our bacon pretty hardcore.

: (Tizo is happy to have Volfred back among the Nightwings once again.)

: Thank you, Tizo. I am happy to be back among the Nightwings, as well.

: Though, you understand why we were forced to be apart for so long, dont you?

: (Tizo indicates he understands full well.)

: I trust that Tariq provided some good company and song during the intervening time.

: (Tizo confirms he did enjoy traveling alongside The Long Minstrel for some time.)

: And, there he is, right on cue.

: Volfred laughs warmly at this.

: No, Tariq, we are well enough for now. Tizo and I, we were just remembering the time when we first met, the three of us.

: Tizo was rather apprehensive, then, as I recall.

: He was merely being circumspect, Im sure. Tizo has the sharpest instincts of us all.

: But, the bite he gave you, sir
it left a permanent impression, did it not

: Look, Im not gonna judge Tizo. When I first met Volfred, I was this friggen close to biting him myself.

: It did, indeed. I consider it a mark of friendship. May it stay with me for all my days.

: Its a good reminder that, despite the challenges we faced together in the past
my time among the Nightwings has been extraordinary.

: Likewise can I say the same, sir.

: Volfred turns to you.

: I should apologize, my boy
. Here we are talking of a history you do not share. Believe me when I say were skipping over many of the bad parts.

: What I mean is, it isnt my intention to exclude you as we wax nostalgic. The Nightwings that you know
we are a strange assortment, are we not?

: Those of us who share some kinship from the past
I suppose we cannot help but seek some warmth in it. But, it should not be to the exclusion of the friendships that we forge right now.

: So, please, why dont you join us for a bit?

: Together, you, Volfred, Tizo, and The Lone Minstrel talk awhile about the times gone by. The three of them are pleased to be back in one anothers company again, having grown close through shared experience in the past. Just the same, they have welcomed you into the group.

: In spite of the hardships you have faced, some of these idle moments that you share together may one day form memories you think back on with fondness.

: Soon, the conversation winds down, though it lifted all your spirits for a while.

: No bonuses or anything but, really, what better bonus could I ask for than to spend a bit of time with my close friends, reminiscing over the good times weve had in, um, in the Commonwealths prison?

well, I mean, a boost to my Presence would have been nice.

: Lets read a book.

: It turns out, Bialanthius wasnt crushed by a rock he was crushed by sixteen-thousand tons of beetle dung. That sounds like Pyre, all right.

: This will be the first time weve done righteous combat against Sir Deluge since we met him on our initial run to Mount Alodiel. His win record is currently four-and-
twelve. Lets find out if all those Valuable Lessons have taught him anything worth learning.

: I do my typical sweeps through the biomes before I proceed to the next one, in case there are any points of interest that my companions would like to talk about. Theyre getting increasingly uncommon, however, now that weve scoured the world pretty well by this point.

: That said

: Ya know, I gotta say, I kinda like your style, there
! Come right on crashing into us, like you aint even care!! Thats pretty good! Keep tellin my mates here we oughtta do the same!

: Barkers fun. Id tell him to calm down, but then he wouldnt be Barker.

: Moving into the Sea of Solis

nah, Ignarius is an alright-enough guy. And besides, I kind of doubt hed humour us crashing into him all that well, considering we
just beat him in a Rite.

: Although, spinning around the Sea of Solis a little bit, speak of the devil, theres a point of interest.

: With the climate in the Downside intensifying, you wonder if the storm has spilled forth from its confines, and started to ravage other regions of the land.

: You know, thats an interesting thought. In order to quell the Deathless Tempest enough to sail through it, Sir Gilman had to destroy Unfathomed Plurnes eggs. Now, I know that Plurnes died when she was impaled on the bow of a ship, but its possible, similar to Yslach, that shes still kicking around in some incorporeal capacity, and shes
pissed. Pissed enough to bring about unending storms and unending blizzards to the Downside.

: Or this is just regular climate in the Downside. This place sucks, after all.

: Still in the Sea of Solis, we chance upon Udmildhe on her way north. Lets say hello, repeatedly.

: Beware, ye who wouldst mock the dessssigns of the Withdrawn
ye cannot comprehend the terrors which sssshall come to ye, in time

: Hows that whole dead god thing treating you? Still dead? Good to hear!

Finally moving on from the Sea of Solis, theres nothing to see in the Wyrm Gulf

Ignarius and the Tempers have settled onto Flagging Hands for their next Rite

and we finally arrive in Jomuer Valley, ready to take on the Pyrehearts. Now that I think about it, this is kind of unfair terrain to be playing the Pyrehearts on: were in a desert, fighting against some leeches (present company excluded). Its in an oasis, fair enough, but all the same, this is a very dry climate compared to, you know, the ocean.

: Oh, hey!

: I dont want to crash into Dalbert, but I
would like to speak with him. Hes a good guy and I just want to say hello (seriously, this time).

: They deliberately crashed into us, Father!! Yet, you still address them in such a cordial matter!

: Now, Almer. I am certain that this was an honest accident, and it appears no lasting damage has been done.

: Uh, yeah

: Please, take the helm, as I shall go and start to pick up all the fallen artifacts, which shook free from the walls after the impact. Perhaps some of these old heirlooms may yet be repaired with adhesive drawn from certain flora we may find along our long and difficult quest.

: Uh

: Damn you, Nightwings. You stay away from us!!


: That, uh, went disastrously. Lets just check and see what our landing options are.

: Hold on, what? Barker is here? But we just passed him in the Sea of Solis!

: This is one of those decisions where I cant rely on our threads bias to decide where to go next and hell if Im going to pass up on the opportunity to see what the hell Barkers doing here. Sorry, Pamitha, youve never done me wrong, but I dont think this chance is going to come up a second time.

: Nobody with us is in a talkative mood, and weve just finished reading the Book, so, we might as well just get straight to it.

: Your senses guide you to a scrying pool somewhere in the barren wastes of Fallflat, and you look upon the waters.

: What, is that the best you loafs can do? I thought the Pyrehearts was gonna make us work for this!

: G-g-go on and gloat, while this knight wallows in his latest wretched failure.

: Whats that sad little sound I hear, mates?! Was that a little tiny imp, or maybe that was Sir Deluge crying bout something again?

: The vision fades. It seems the Dissidents prevailed against the Pyrehearts sometime not long ago, gaining the favour of the Scribes. You wonder where their paths have taken them since as you return to the blackwagon to pursue your Vocations.

you know, reading Deluges response to Barkers chiding, it sort of puts him in a sympathetic light. Hes a coward that would rather eschew his entire species traditions and standings in favour of his own well-being, but, well, first of all, could you blame him? The threat of
death is a pretty significant motivator by itself, and its why he chose to retreat as often as he did.

: Second, Im reading this as Deluge is aware of how pathetic he is, and its hanging over him like a stink he cant get rid of. He doesnt try to spin his loss against the Dissidents as this is a mere setback, Ill get you next time! sort of thing; he calls it his latest wretched failure. It must be hard for Deluge; all he wants is to survive, but the traditions of his kind forced him into a dangerous job that he didnt want, and even after being exiled to the Downside, he cant escape it.

: All that said, he was an asshole to Sir Gilman, and that simply will not do.

: As for my Vocations, I dont put much thought into this. Volfred could still use some extra help, but I still have a Wisdom Trace banked, and were okay on money for the time being. We also havent read the Book for those bonuses in a while yet, if I remember right, so theres no harm in giving it a read.

: You find a quiet corner near the blackwagons ground to delve into the secrets of the Book of Rites. Through greater understanding comes the Readers Influence.

: This is the last category we need before we can finally start boosting our Glory. And once thats done, well be done with this Vocation forever. So, including this time, we only need to read this Book four more times.

: You concentrate on your knowledge of the Eight Scribes, and how together they composed the Book of Rites, among their many feats. Inspiration comes to you in a flash; whether from the Book or from within, you cannot tell.

: We still have nobody willing to share a few words, so, theres nothing keeping us from moving on to the oasis and getting this Rite over with.
Music: Surviving Exile

: Rukey was against letting Mae on board and wanted her to rot in the desert. Are we talking about the same guy?

: You learn Rukeys past transgressions have all been forgiven since his return to the Commonwealth. He was even offered a well-appointed home and place of business. It must have represented just the kind of lavish lifestyle that Rukey always claimed to have had for himself and his extended family.

: Eventually, and somewhat reluctantly, however, he refused the gifts. Instead, he tracked down Volfreds agents, and gave them ample information, thus emboldening their ranks.

: The last bit of the message sounds as though it was transcribed word-for-word from something Rukey said. It simply reads, The rest of you better get back here soon, OR ELSE!

: You thank the messenger-imp for the report. Soon, it has all your companions talking.

: I had ever faith that our friend Rukey would stand tall, and rise to the occasion.

Oh! Uh, yeah, me too, about Rukey and his morals, yeah.

: We understand this Rukey holds no small degree of influence, at least among his kind.

: Ah, the noble Rukey! He sets a shining example unto us all!

: Hard to believe he would have turned down living in that kind of luxury. Though maybe he got used to it out here.

: Dont you think he must be sad to have turned down a house? I hope he isnt said!

: (Tizo is happy to learn that Rukey joined the revolution in the Commonwealth.)

: The news of Rukeys liberation fills you and your fellow exiles with newfound resolve. The messenger-imp accepts some scraps to eat from you and rushes off.

: These little boosts are always nice to have. Im not sure how much Im going to need them against Sir Deluge, but Im definitely never going to say no, of course.

: The only thing to do before we meet with Sir Deluge and the Pyrehearts is to stop at Rons shop
and, hell, might as well give the Book another look. Weve unlocked enough pages to last us a while.

: And finally, lets see what Rons got. Maybe hes got something good this time.

: Well I just want you to know, he was one of my most favorite customers, and because of that, Im giving you the same great deals, OK?

: Lets see
Rons stocked up on some Star, Sun, and Moon serums
hes got a new handful of Stardust
and, whats this new Talisman?

holy shit.

: I like to give the Righteous Flame Talisman to Mae because its more immediately useful to her than her Sandra-given Talisman (it allows her Aura to bounce off walls and objects). Righteous Flame recovers my own Pyre by five every time Mae gets a dunk, no matter how much damage she dealt to it.

This thing, though, can recover up to
half the damage dealt to my enemys Pyre. Hypothetically, if I give this to Bertrude, and she gets a full-damage dunk with Hex Of Defeat active, Ill recover fifteen Pyrepoints off that single move.

: Thats half of Endrigas influence gone, off one dunk. And I can give this Talisman to anybody, and I am going to be scoring more than one dunk per game. Id have to do at least ten or more damage in order to match Righteous Flame, but thats not a difficult thing to do.

: With this Talisman, plus Final/Miracle Kindling, plus Stubborn Flame, Ill be damn near
impossible to kill.

: The only problem is its price

: 140 Sol is a ton of cash. Money is pretty hard to come by, even with the Feats of Glory active.

Well, lets be honest, Ive been hoarding all this cash and I dont even know what else Im going to spend it on, if anything. Lets buy ourselves a slug.

: That said, though, uh, this will conclude our business for today, and for some time in the future, I think.

: Armed with this powerful new Talisman, I think were ready to wear some wyrms like scarves. Lets see what Sir Deluge has been up to.

: Everything is set for the Rite to commence, and all is quiet amid the dry flats at the Spring of Jomuer. All there is left to do is wait for nightfall to set it.

: <This knight
this knight
this knight
this knight is not a knight, at all! This knight betrayed his former commander!! Abandoned his brethren of the Sea-Dominion.>

: <But
what is knighthood, even? What is knighthood, if it means having to follow such a craven as that Sir Deluge?>

: <Cease this nonsense, Gilman. Focus on the Rite. Focus on the Rite. Focus on the Rite.>

: He notices you, finally.

: Oh! Master-Reader
! This knight did not see you there just now, such was his preoccupation with the task at hand.

: Know that this knight stands prepared! He has no misgivings whatsoever when it comes to battling his ex-triumvirate.

: You heard the man.

: Then, a glimmering within the sky draws your and his attention.

: Shax Six-Shoulders has a unique effect on the Rites: with him active, if I were to ever banish all three of my enemies at once, they would instead all spontaneously reappear rather than remain banished.

: Thats annoying as hell, of course, but at the same time, its borderline redundant with Limbless Arizech, who gives each of my opponents +8 Hope.

: Not only am I okay with activating Shax this time (particularly since, of course, we need to win with him active in order to unlock his page), but Im so confident in my ability to slap around Sir Deluge that Im also going to activate Arizech and Archbeast Sung-Gries.

: Endriga The Widow can fuck off and stay there, though.

: Sir Deluge wrestles with his mask for a time.

: Th-this knight is most surprised that you have the c-c-courage even to show yourself!!

: You speak of courage, Sir Deluge
? But, this knight has little else to say to the likes of you.

: Thats a very reserved thing for Sir Gilman (
Sir Gilman) to admit.

: Th-that figures, Gilman!! Y-y-you are no knight at all! You are a teensy minnow swimming in a sea of minnows many, many times your size, and with much more honor, too!

but, just as soon, it fades. Sir Gilman slinks away.

: D-d-disgraceful!! You Nightwings, you are STUPID to have taken that one in! And you are no-good at the Rites! And, another th-thing!!


: Well fix that.

: The time for talk has ended its time to play the Rite against Sir Deluge and the Pyrehearts.

: As usual, its up to you to decide who we bring into this match. Our available players are
Mae, Tizo, Sir Gilman, Pamitha, Volfred, and

: Lemme know who you want to see in this game in the next twenty-four hours, and Ill lock them in.